Relying On Benjamins

20. What a Crazy Two Months

Episode 20 of the scripted musical comedy podcast Relying On Benjamins. Contact for questions about the show.

Created by Brandon Shapiro & Matt Miller
Written by Brandon Shapiro
Music and Lyrics by Brandon Shapiro
Edited, Mixed, and Sound Engineered by Brandon Shapiro
Executive Produced by Brandon Shapiro

Benjamin Feyler - Brandon Shapiro
Benjamin Ozwald - Matt Miller
The Narrator - Brandon Shapiro
The Man With Many Names, aka The Homeless Man, aka The Mysterious Stranger, aka The Something Else Man, aka The Unknown Nuisance, aka The Unnamed Nuisance, aka Man-Who-Smells-Like-Shit, aka Man-Who-Won't-Say-His-Name, aka The Man Who Has No Home  - Matt Miller
Mary Jane - Libby Anderson
Khloe Kerplur - Aubrey Clyburn
Courtroom Mail Person - Charlene Sloan
Random Clydesdale Citizen - Lexie Miller
Homeless Person - Erik Goehringer
Frederick VonWinkle - Brandon Shapiro
Carl Salad - Brandon Shapiro
Additional Voices - Brandon Shapiro